

I never think of myself as depressed but lately I've come to the realization that it may be lurking deep down inside me somewhere. For a long time I had a problem with caring about things in my life. I don't mean the people (they have all been great for the most part), I mean day to day normal activities. Tasks such as keeping my room clean, eating foods that are at least remotely healthy, and the state of our last apartment.  I will admit that I'm sure this has at least some correlation with smoking weed but I think it goes deeper than that. I couldn't even be bothered to wash my face or sometimes even brush my teeth. I still find it difficult to do these things sometimes, but I am working towards creating healthier habits. A major part of creating good habits is understanding the reasons behind the old habits and way of living. For myself, I believe a majority of my problems stem from a self esteem that is almost completely nonexistent. I think my self image has be...